I don't care to enumerate the magazines and journals we get at our house--but it's probably either too many or not half enough. Either way, shit gets buried and disappears--sometimes forever. But occasionally a pal will write or call on a sort of cultural mudslide rescue mission and ask, "You see _____ yet?!" Got such a call today about Nicholas Johnson's interview with "Nero," comparing Nero's experience contracting in Antarctica with his more-recent stints in Iraq and Afghanistan, in the November Harper's. Luckily, the issue was resting right there on the kitchen table, just beneath the fourteen new credit card offers and alumni letters and cable TV pitches we get every day.
The version in Harper's is edited down some, but whether you get Harper's or not, go check out the longer interview at Nicholas Johnson's Big Dead Place: it's unbelievably funny and tight and all the things killer writing should be.