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September 25, 2007



I wish I could remember more about Burns' "Baseball" and "The Civil War" efforts. I remember watching both when I was probably too young to really appreciate the enormity of the subjects Burns was trying to address, particularly the latter.

I really should go back and watch these before attempting this latest piece, but I certainly can identify with some of your criticisms of his style, obscured as they are by my memory. The pan-and-scan didn't seem too out of place for the Civil War film, but I remember growing tired of it quickly. Properly used, I think as a stylistic device has some good qualities. Unfortunately, it is almost as if Burns is artistically lazy and simply resorts to The Burns Method instead of trying to come up with a new way to present his material.

christian bauman

I missed opening night, so will now have to wait for DVD because I'm too anal to dive in mid-way. I never saw the baseball one. Saw 1/2 of the jazz one and mostly liked. Saw most of the civil way one and can't remember much but think i liked.

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